Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Half way through! Say it isn't so....

I can not believe we are half way through this pregnancy already. I know this sounds nuts, but I am not ready for it to end.It actually makes me sad that I am already half way through. I am TRULY enjoying all aspect of it: the hormonal changes, the weight gain, the skin changes, the moods,the food cravings, belly growth, restless nights, the movements, the lists, the preparations, the over-analyzing, the excitement it's bringing my family, the anticipation, and the emotional, spiritual, and physical bonding that is taking place between my husband and I.

The miracle of conception, pregnancy, and birth is beyond my comprehension. I feel so honored to be given the privilege to experience it, as I know many women who are struggling or have struggled like I have in the past with conceiving. I am reminded daily of our Lord's perfect timing...even when we don't feel as though the timing is right or if we get impatient for wanting it to be the right time...He is always RIGHT ON TIME.

We are 20 weeks pregnant this week. I have three to-do-lists up on our refrigerator all under distinct categories (outdoor projects, indoor projects, baby room projects). Those that know me well know that I could never survive anything without a to-do list on hand. It's so much fun taking one task at a time in preparation for Baby Greene and enjoying completing every second of it. Randy and I are both having so much fun checking things off our lists. A lot of preparation goes into preparing for Baby Greene now let me tell ya.  We have waited such a long time for his arrival.

How far along? 20 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain: 8 lbs
Maternity clothes?  Yes indeed
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleep is starting to become more and more uncomfortable. I've noticed if I wake up in the middle of the night it takes so much longer to go back to sleep. My mind starts racing 100 MPH.
Best moment this week: Our date night spent registering at BabiesRUs. Randy and I had so much fun and topped it off with Japanese food.  
Miss Anything? My brother. Wish He was closer but anxiously waiting for him to come home.
Movement: Lots of movement. This week the movements changed. It no longer feels like flutters all of the time. It now feels like actual body parts punching around in there. Randy loves feeling his son move.
Food cravings: Not anything specific. My appetite is just getting bigger and bigger. Still loving my sour gummy candy. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Still having that Round Ligament pain off and on.  
Belly Button in or out? Innie but I'm starting to think it will eventually become and outie. We'll see.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but still extra sensitive and emotional...in a good way. :)
Looking forward to: Seeing you once again at our Doctor's appointment tomorrow.  

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