Tuesday, April 24, 2012

21 weeks

 This just keeps getting better and better! 
We got to see pictures of you once again last week at our 20 week appointment. You are so precious. You were head down in a vertical position as if you were ready to come out already. I can tell you're real low in my stomach. The ultrasound tech gave you rave reviews during our appointment and says you are about 15 ounces already (our big boy). She said you were measuring about a week early but kept my due date the same because the measurements were still right on track. We brought home a few more photos to add to our ever expanding collection of you already. Here are a couple of my favorites. 
Your profile at 20 weeks 

Your little foot
We are having so much fun preparing for you arrival. Your Daddy worked so hard last week on your room and was able to get it cleared out and painted. It looks wonderful. We went shopping for your furniture Friday night not expecting to find anything right away but were blessed with such an amazing deal. We brought home your first furniture set that night. I believe your set is nicer than our own bedroom furniture. I was so excited to get it moved in that I woke up at 7am on Saturday to get started. We were able to get everything set up on Saturday and couldn't be happier with how everything looks. I keep going in your room for no reason other than to look around and take it all in. I still can't believe this is all finally happening.

My stomach is getting bigger by the day. Every time I text my mom a new photo of my belly she is in shock with how much i've grown in a matter of a few days. I can tell i'm growing also with all of the stretching and pulling. Your movements are so much more noticeable these days. Your Daddy and I were laying in bed the other night and could actually feel where you were laying in Mommy's stomach. As soon as your Daddy put his hand on my belly you moved back down.

This week we are busy planning our Babymoon! We can not wait to take a week of pure relaxation before your arrival. I don't want to have any plans or agendas...all I want is a lounge chair and the sun (and food of course)!

How far along? 21 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain: 11 lbs 
Maternity clothes? Oh yes. I don't see how women are able to pull off not wearing them. 
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleep is "ok"
Best moment this week: So many things! Seeing you last week, buying your furniture, painting your room!
Miss Anything? No
Movement: Lots and lots. Movements actually feel like real kicks. I can tell when you are moving around in there now. It's the best feeling ever. 
Food cravings: Not really. I just crave food in general! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing
Gender: Boy 
Labor Signs: No 
Symptoms:  Feeling great. I can tell the energy level isn't as high when trying to work around the house or outside. I have to keep taking breaks which i'm not used to at all. 
Belly Button in or out? In but almost out! 
Wedding rings on or off? On 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy Happy Happy!
Looking forward to: Going on our babymoon! 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Half way through! Say it isn't so....

I can not believe we are half way through this pregnancy already. I know this sounds nuts, but I am not ready for it to end.It actually makes me sad that I am already half way through. I am TRULY enjoying all aspect of it: the hormonal changes, the weight gain, the skin changes, the moods,the food cravings, belly growth, restless nights, the movements, the lists, the preparations, the over-analyzing, the excitement it's bringing my family, the anticipation, and the emotional, spiritual, and physical bonding that is taking place between my husband and I.

The miracle of conception, pregnancy, and birth is beyond my comprehension. I feel so honored to be given the privilege to experience it, as I know many women who are struggling or have struggled like I have in the past with conceiving. I am reminded daily of our Lord's perfect timing...even when we don't feel as though the timing is right or if we get impatient for wanting it to be the right time...He is always RIGHT ON TIME.

We are 20 weeks pregnant this week. I have three to-do-lists up on our refrigerator all under distinct categories (outdoor projects, indoor projects, baby room projects). Those that know me well know that I could never survive anything without a to-do list on hand. It's so much fun taking one task at a time in preparation for Baby Greene and enjoying completing every second of it. Randy and I are both having so much fun checking things off our lists. A lot of preparation goes into preparing for Baby Greene now let me tell ya.  We have waited such a long time for his arrival.

How far along? 20 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain: 8 lbs
Maternity clothes?  Yes indeed
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleep is starting to become more and more uncomfortable. I've noticed if I wake up in the middle of the night it takes so much longer to go back to sleep. My mind starts racing 100 MPH.
Best moment this week: Our date night spent registering at BabiesRUs. Randy and I had so much fun and topped it off with Japanese food.  
Miss Anything? My brother. Wish He was closer but anxiously waiting for him to come home.
Movement: Lots of movement. This week the movements changed. It no longer feels like flutters all of the time. It now feels like actual body parts punching around in there. Randy loves feeling his son move.
Food cravings: Not anything specific. My appetite is just getting bigger and bigger. Still loving my sour gummy candy. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Still having that Round Ligament pain off and on.  
Belly Button in or out? Innie but I'm starting to think it will eventually become and outie. We'll see.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but still extra sensitive and emotional...in a good way. :)
Looking forward to: Seeing you once again at our Doctor's appointment tomorrow.  

Monday, April 9, 2012

19 Weeks


We are thrilled beyond explanation to announce that we are expecting a precious BOY! We found out on March 30th at exactly 18 weeks. It was such a special day for us. We drove to Summerville, South Carolina where we got to see our son moving around like crazy for over 30 minutes. We came home with over 120 photos and a full video of the entire session. We even had our own video camera set up to catch our reaction of the news. We even left with a teddy bear that plays your heart beat! 158 BPM...this proves that you can never pay attention to those crazy myths. Your heartbeat has been high the entire time. 

We both knew you were a little boy ever since we found out we were expecting. We just had that feeling and never once second guessed it. Our ultrasound at 13 weeks had us almost 100% convinced of our prediction but we had to wait 5 more weeks until we could confirm. Your ultrasound pictures are so precious and already show your handsome looks will indeed take after your Daddy. We got to go home this passed weekend to tell all of your family in person (those who were there at least) and it was so funny to find out that every single one of them felt as if you were a boy also. We are all so ready to meet you and love on you!  

God is so good! We have already started preparing your nursery and are trying to decide on your name. Your Daddy and I both like the same kind of names but can't seem to agree on the placement. It will come with time though. 

We love you so much!

How far along? 19 weeks, 3 days 
Total weight gain: ? Not sure...i'd say 6-7 lbs
Maternity clothes?  Of course! 
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping well as long as I have my boppy pillow 
Best moment this week: Finding your crib bedding that we have been searching so hard for and getting to share our news with all of the family this weekend at Easter. 
Miss Anything? Still wish I could drink coffee. I try and take sips here and there but it makes me have the jitters and stomach hurt. It's crazy because I was so addicted to coffee before this pregnancy and never had any problems. 
Movement: Love to feel you move. Started being able to tell where at in my stomach you are...that's pretty neat. You were wayyyy on the right side last night which was making it difficult to get comfortable in bed. I guess you are just preparing me for what's to come. 
Food cravings: Soft serve ice cream. Well actually, it's really your Daddy's craving not mine but it is starting to rub off on me. We stopped on three different occasions this passed weekend to get soft serve ice cream cones and your Daddy bout went nuts trying to find soft serve chocolate...everyone seemed to only have vanilla which didn't help at all. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing at all. 
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Having a little bit of back ache and what I think is Round Ligament Pain. Feels like I've overdone the abdominal crunches or something. I can't really describe it. 
Belly Button in or out? Innie but I'm starting to think it will eventually become and outie. We'll see. 
Wedding rings on or off? On 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Oh so happy and ever so blessed. 
Looking forward to: Painting your room and buying your furniture! 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

18 Weeks. What's your guess?

Week eighteen has been one of the most exciting weeks yet in our pregnancy. We got to find out if you are a precious baby boy or precious baby girl. We both didn't care either way and are so blessed to even be given the opportunity to be your parents. We are being selfish though and keeping you a secret until we come home to Florida this weekend where we can tell all of our family in person. Since we've had to spend mosts of our married lives away from home, it's always nice to relish the special milestones like this with the ones we care about most in person. It has been terribly hard having to keep our mouths shut this week but so very worth it! We are bursting at the seams to scream out our news though! Is it crazy that I am a little sad to almost be half way through already? I know I probably won't be saying that in the 3rd trimester but I am really loving this pregnancy so much and don't want it to go by too quickly. 

This is me trying to act like i'm questioning what we're having :) 


How far along? 18 weeks, 4 days 
Total weight gain: 5 lbs 
Maternity clothes?  Oh yes, but I refuse to buy a maternity bathing suit. Bought a regular one today that will cover up what it needs to. :) 
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping pretty good. Can't decide which side I like sleeping on better. Most of the time I try sleeping on my left side since that's the position they say is healthiest for your breathing while you sleep. 
Best moment this week: 18 weeks was a very special milestone in our pregnancy...we got to find out if you are a girl or boy! Such an amazing experience...can't wait to share. 
Miss Anything?  Not a thing
Movement: Feeling you move more and more every day. You like to move most at night right after supper. Daddy thought he felt you move for the first time last night but we're still waiting on that real "kick" for him. 
Food cravings: Nothing really special this week. Had the sudden urge to make homemade salsa and can't wait to make a home made pasta salad this weekend for Easter. Still craving sweets and candy. Made some dark chocolate cupcakes and dark chocolate icing that would make "your tongue slap your brains out"!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing at all. 
Gender: We know and are so blessed. Can't wait to share with everyone this weekend! It's been a lot of fun keeping it a secret though. 
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Same symptoms as last week really...been a little short of breath on a few occasions but thats just due to pressure being put on my lungs from all that growing and expanding in there. Absolutely loving the 2nd trimester. If it weren't for this expanding belly and baby movements, i'd have a hard time believing I was pregnant. 
Belly Button in or out? Innie
Wedding rings on or off? On 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Oh so happy and ever so blessed. 
Looking forward to: Seeing our family for Easter this weekend and sharing our wonderful and exciting news!!!!