Wednesday, November 12, 2014

37 Weeks

Let the waiting game begin...

We are at the end of our 37th week of pregnancy. This means we could go at any time. I went into labor with Trent at 38 weeks, 5 days. We are so excited and READY for baby boy #2!

I don't think I can think of anything else to clean (except for the normal everyday cleaning like dishes, vacumming, laundry). Everything else has been done. Isn't it crazy what the nesting phase does to your brain? Maybe it doesn't do this to every pregnant women but, for THIS CRAZY PREGNANT LADY, nesting is an understatement and what nesting entails turns into all of these ridiculous things that "have to get done and have to get clean" in order for the baby to come. Things that, under normal non-pregnant situations, wouldn't matter what-so-ever! Just yesterday I was telling Randy, "the baby can come now that the rug was professionally cleaned" and "please clean the tops of every fan in the house for the baby". His response is always "you'r nuts...the baby doesn't care...ok give me the rag" haha. He knows to just do it!

I feel the normal 9 month uncomfortableness these days, but other than that I feel very good. My energy is slowing down now. I'm thankful we got all of the crazy projects out of the way because lately we've been able to "relax", do fun things with Trent, and "wait" for our baby to arrive.

I am still working, although my job allows me to work from home quite frequently which I am forever grateful.

I'm starting to get a little anxious just because we're at the point where baby could come any second and the not knowing when is such an array of anxious/exciting emotions. I have a feeling he'll come the week before my due date week. My EDD is November 24th which is a Monday so we'll see. He'll come when he's ready and I would never rush it. But, it would be nice if he came before Thanksgiving :)

How far along? 37 weeks
Total weight gain: Approx 33 lbs. Basically the exact same amount as I did with Trent. Hopefully it will come off just as fast...
Maternity clothes? Yep
Stretch marks? Just a couple
Sleep: Sleep is ok. I've started waking up "wide awake" in the middle of the night. I think it is the excitement of what's to come.  
Miss Anything? No
 Baby loves to move a bunch at night. Movements are slowing down as baby is getting lower. He finally moved into a great position for labor. He had been face up for weeks but I wasn't worried too much about it. Weekly chiropractic adjustments have assured me that my body is in good alignment for birth and helped position the baby appropriately.
Food cravings: Not craving anything specific but I have been in a major baking mode lately. This is one perk to being pregnant this time of year...the upcoming holidays make it all so exciting. Thanksgiving and Christmas will be extra special this year.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: Not really...I can just tell we're getting close.
Symptoms: Feeling 49 weeks pregnant.
Belly Button in or out? Very very out.
Wedding rings on or off? Off
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very happy
Looking forward to: THE BIG DAY!!

Look at my Brother's son Aiden Michael Marfinetz born November 4, 2014...I just want to eat him up and can't wait to meet him!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

35 Weeks

It still doesn’t feel real. It still hasn’t truly sunk in yet that, in a matter of weeks, another little boy will have completely captured and captivated out hearts forever. I just can’t wrap my brain around it, or fathom the fact that our love is about to double in size. I don’t think I will either until that day comes. Yes, I feel pregnant. Yes, I know he’s in there. But, despite those obvious facts, it’s mentally hard to imagine him being here.

But, before we know it, he will be here. And, we are SO READY FOR HIM!

The honey-do-lists have winded down, the nursery is complete, the clothes are washed, and labor bags will be packed this weekend. This is truly

I can’t say this pregnancy has been a “breeze”. It’s truly had its moments of aches and pains. But, all in all, I have no room to complain. It’s been a blessing. It’s been a healthy pregnancy just like with Trent and that is all I could ever ask for. I pray labor is just as healthy. I have been trying to mentally gear up for it. I believe labor is more of a mind over matter type situation and it really pays to be mentally prepared for this amazing adventure.

I wish I could put into words what labor means to me and how important the process is to both Randy and I. We are about to embark on yet another powerful journey that will allow me to do what the Lord meant and made my body to do. I pray I am able to surrender myself both physically and mentally to this event and feel so privileged to have the opportunity to birth freely the way I want to.

Birth is not a medical procedure. Birth is a natural act. An intimate act that’s meant to be enjoyed, felt, and inspired by...however you go about doing it. This is one of the only moments in a woman’s life where her true God given strength is shown. I could go on and on…maybe I’ll write a book on it one day. Either way, even if I am done having babies, I definitely want to stay involved with the birthing community. I believe there are so many women out there who have no clue how much control they can have and should have with their bodies during this special time. And, the impact this event can have on their lives permanently, without even realizing it, for the good or for the bad. Birth matters. Period.

The next few weeks will be spent soaking up all of the fall festivities. There are so many fun things to do these days. I just wish it were a few degrees cooler. Having a baby in November has meant being pregnant for what feels like the longest summer in the history of mankind. 

I look so tired in this picture...

How far along? 35 weeks
Total weight gain: A bunch!
Maternity clothes? Yep
Stretch marks? Just a couple
Sleep: Sleeping as good as I can for 35 weeks. Indigestion is still crazy.    
Miss Anything? Everything is as it should be at the moment.
 Yes, slower but bigger movements. I can’t wait to see how much this boy weighs!
Food cravings: My appetite is non-stop these days. I can’t get enough food.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No. Although, I have a hunch he will come a little early like Trent. I am feeling lots of pressure already and he is very low.
Symptoms: Full on end of pregnancy “uncomfortableness”
Belly Button in or out? Oh so out!
Wedding rings on or off? Off
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and ready.
Looking forward to:  We are looking forward to baby count down AND the arrival of my new nephew Aiden any day now. Dave’s wife Liz is due November 11th. Babies babies everywhere!

Monday, September 29, 2014

32 weeks

32 weeks already! Yes, we skipped a week. There’s really no excuse as to why either, it’s just by the time I’d get to thinking about taking a belly pic and writing in the blog it’d be 10 p.m. and I’d be DONE FOR THE DAY!

At 32 weeks, I am feeling good! I mean, the regular uncomfortable third trimester symptoms are all there, and having a toddler running around this time makes things a bit more tiresome but, other than that, I can’t complain. God has blessed us with two completely healthy as can be pregnancies that have truly been the most exciting times of my entire life so I am trying to relish these last few weeks of this precious time.

I’ve been going a mile a minute trying to get all the baby prep done and stuff bought so I can try and relax as much as possible the last month or so. October is a VERY busy month with so much going on. I’m trying to get all the major stuff out of the way now.

The nursery is going to be so stinking cute! I am very pleased with what we’ve done so far.

We went to our midwife today and baby is measuring right on time and couldn’t be healthier.

We’ve decided to labor mostly at home and then deliver at our birth center. I feel so privileged to have the opportunity to labor this way. Our birth center will have everything we need to birth the way we want to and in such a peaceful and relaxing environment. I highly recommend Fruitful Vine!

How far along? 32 weeks (yes, we skipped a week. Too much going on)
Total weight gain: Almost 30! EEEEK! At least I have all winter to lose it 
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping ok. Indigestion has kicked in a lot at night which means I’m up a lot.   
Miss Anything? There are a lot of non-pregnancy things I’m missing…but all can wait because before I know it…this pregnancy will be over. 
 Yes. Baby is head down and kicks are steady in the ribs these days.
Food cravings: Ice, still, and it’s driving everyone around me insane.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: Not yet but we are gearing up for this big event! Birth stories and Ina May quotes all day long to get mentally prepared…
Symptoms: Nothing new really…just very pregnant.
Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? Off
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very Happy
Looking forward to: Our baby celebration with all our loved ones this weekend!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

28 Weeks

Time is not slowing down. We are into our third trimester now and it seems unreal. Despite the uncomfortable symptoms this pregnancy has contained, I’m sad to see it coming to an end so soon, yet happy and excited all at the same time. Pregnancy is such a roller coaster ride of mixed emotions all at once. That’s the only way I can describe it.

How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain: I’m afraid to look! At least 20 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping ok minus the leg cramps  
Miss Anything? Nope…things are just as they should be.
Food cravings: ICE…24/7…ice. And here’s another weird symptom I can add to the list of crazy symptoms from this special pregnancy...weird smells smell good to me. I’m talking about things that shouldn’t smell good like the smell of Randy’s garage/workshop, cleaners, building smells, etc. Isn’t that insane? No, it’s not pica. I don’t feel like munching on any of these things…I just like the smell of them. You probably think I’m nuts.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: New symptoms are the ice fetish, enjoying the odd smells of things, and the insanity that is LEG CRAMPS. I’m talking about calve leg cramps that hit me out of no-where while I’m in a dead sleep at night. Spasm Charlie horse type pains. I can’t even describe how painful. I’d take the transition phase of labor any day over those cramps. Luckily, I’ve got a few ways of dealing with them but they are no fun at all.
Belly Button in or out? Very very out
Wedding rings on or off? Off
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Fall! Oh I love fall. It just puts me in an instant good mood. Cooler weather, autumn yankee candle scents, festivals, fairs, hunting, fires, football, holidays, baking, and BABIES! It can’t get better!

Monday, August 25, 2014

26 Weeks

We are rolling right along these days trying to make it through the end of the summer during what feels like the hottest weather EVER. I know it’s not, believe me, but it just feels so much hotter this summer pregnancy compared to Trents.

We’ve had so much fun celebrating Daddy’s and Trent’s birthdays these past couple of weeks! Birthdays are extra special in the Greene household and are meant to be celebrated no matter what age.

I’ll be almost 36 weeks pregnant come October 17th when we celebrate my 30th birthday. So, the celebration options, while limited, should be interesting. I’m sure I’ll be waddling by then. Normally, we go to the Great Smokey Mountains during my birthday week. It’s a great tradition to watch the beautiful leaves change color and really puts you in the mood for the upcoming holiday season. We might still go; it just depends on how I feel and how things are going.

We now have a BIG 2 YEAR OLD BOY on our hands and we couldn’t be prouder of our future best big brother! He exceeds anything and everything we could have ever imagined in having a son. To say he has the whole package would be an understatement. He’s handsome, smart, funny, gentle, and such a boy! He takes after his Daddy in so many ways and for that, I am truly grateful. I cannot wait to see him blow us away even more…especially when he becomes Big Brother.

How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain: Approx. 18 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleep is as good as it’s going to get for the moment.  
Miss Anything? There are numerous little non-important things I miss not being able to have or do while being pregnant, but none of them means more than the blessing of being able to carry another child. 
 This baby boy never stops moving. Seems like he moves more than Trent did.
Food cravings: Nothing specific…just hungry all the time.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Hot and ready for fall weather. Most people said Sumter, S.C. was just as hot as down here…NOT! It’s way hotter to me. Maybe that’s because I don’t have a wonderful pool to relax in this go-around.
Belly Button in or out? Very very out
Wedding rings on or off? I’ve been keeping them off mostly lately because of the heat…I’d hate for them to get stuck if my fingers start to swell.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and anxious and tons of emotions all at once lately.
Looking forward to: Now that my two boys birthdays are out of the way, we can now focus on full time baby prep. Not that there’s a ton to do. It’s much easier this go around seeing as we’re having another boy and they aren’t that far apart. But, in the next month or so we’ll be getting the nursery completed and will really be able to start to get ready for our special Thanksgiving blessing!

Monday, August 11, 2014

24 Weeks

24 weeks
I’m feeling much better! It’s taken numerous prenatal chiropractic visits to get to this but THANKFULLY my lower back is feeling much better. I am so thankful I started going and will continue to go throughout the remainder of my pregnancy. My doctor even said she’d come give me an adjustment during labor if needed. That is so neat and I am grateful!
After going to the vein clinic a week or so ago, I am now in compression old lade hose!  I’ll take the yucky hose any day over getting any more varicose or spider veins!
We’ve had a great last couple of weeks and continue to get everything ready for our newest pride and joy! Believe it or not, I haven’t done the first thing to the nursery. With Trent, by this time, I had my nursery finished. Haha. My how 2nd pregnancies change things! Seriously though, I would have at least started on it by now but I have to wait for our new guest bedroom to be completed so I can have an empty space to work with.
Trent had a great time playing with his cousin Lily this past week when Aunt Donna came to visit. It feels so good when she comes down for her yearly visit from North Carolina. We had a couple of fun filled family get togethers.
I went to the doctor today and you are as perfect as can be in there. Just keep baking away sweet boy of mine…only 3 months left until our lives are changed forever once again. We are forever blessed.
How far along? 24 weeks
Total weight gain: Approx. 17 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Much better now that my back pain is a little better.
Best moment this week: We've had a fun filled couple of weeks and had a great time taking your big brother to the Jags scrimmage game. His first football experience. So fun! 
Miss Anything? Yes ;)
 All the time!
Food cravings: Everything at this point. Sweets are still #1
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Pregnant
Belly Button in or out? Out…oh so out!
Wedding rings on or off? On sometimes but depending on the heat it comes off!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: EVERYTHING!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

22 Weeks

I feel pregnant, and no, not the cutesy “I love my baby bump” kind of pregnant. I’m talking about the overly sensitive, back aching, varicose/spider vein looking, psychotic mood swings, hot as hell kind of pregnant feeling. Don’t worry though, I’m not complaining haha. I love being pregnant! I do! I really do! I have to keep telling myself this as I hold my breath and wait for the shocking nerve pain to finish before I get out of bed each morning.

Seriously though, I don’t know how women do the pregnancy thing in their late 30’s. I’ll be 30 this year and can so tell the difference in the way I felt carrying Trent at 27 vs. now.

But, what’s so odd is, I am trying to relish each and every second of this precious blessing we’ve been given. I remember a time when I actually thought I might not ever get a chance to feel these feelings.

It’s crunch time in the Greene house as we try and do 52,000 things at once, all while trying to throw in a little fun and relaxation during these hot summer months. We have a lot to look forward to starting the month of August.

I have your nursery all planned out in my head…I just can’t wait to actually be able to put it all together. And, we’re still trying to decide on your name. In my heart, I already know what your name is. I’ve just got to convince your Daddy now. <3

How far along? 22 weeks
Total weight gain: Approx. 13 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No new ones…I did get a few small ones with Trent and those are def more noticeable. Bring em’ on I say…battle scars.
Sleep: Blah. Sleep is more of a pain in the ass then something to look forward to these days. This sacrum pain is not fun at all.
Best moment this week: You are moving around like crazy in there. I almost think you move more than Trent did. Your Daddy has been working like crazy to get some last minute renovations completed on the house so we can focus on your arrival. You and Trent are going to have the best play room ever!  
Miss Anything? Yes! Nice, non-varicose/spider vein legs…I miss not having those.
 All over the place. You especially like to move around at 10:00 p.m.every single night.
Food cravings: Everything. This part of the pregnancy, my appetite is out of control. And it’s SO DANG HARD not to drink a nice ice cold coke every once in a while!
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: BOY…now if only we can settle on your name.
Labor Signs: No but the Braxton hicks have started.
Symptoms: Feeling way pregnant lately. I think having a toddler running around at home makes for a more symptomatic pregnancy in general.
Belly Button in or out? Out…oh so out!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Crazy moods lately. No one can keep up with my moods these days.
Looking forward to: So much to look forward to in the upcoming months…especially celebrating your Daddy and Big Brother’s birthdays!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

20 weeks! Half way!

We got to see our handsome boys face at our 20 week visit. We were shocked at the resemblance between his and Trent’s ultrasound pictures.

The ultrasound tech was amazed at how healthy our strong boy is growing. It was probably one of the best ultrasounds I’ve ever had. She spent at least 45 minutes going over and pointing out each little body part and organ. Too cool!
I’m feeling great these days minus the lower back pain that will just not let up. Going to the prenatal chiropractor weekly (sometimes twice weekly) has been helping but, for some reason, my sacrum keeps getting jammed up. It’s so painful at night trying to sleep. More so at night since I’m not moving and it gets so stiff. I’m praying this lets up before labor or I am in for a wild experience!
At first I thought my belly was growing super fast compared to Trent’s, but now it seems as though it’s about the same size as I was this far along with him. My appetite sure seems heavier, though. I’m craving anything and everything…sweet and salty.
I’m still trying to decide where I’ll deliver. We’re so blessed to have options for choosing other than a typical hospital labor room filled with medical interventions.  We can have the baby at home, at the birth center, or at the hospital. I don’t have to know specifically for a few more months. Where you labor matters and it has an effect on the outcome of your birth and the interventions you entail while doing so. The less interventions, the better for both Mommy and Baby! Birth is a completely natural process…we want to keep it that was as much as possible. 
I can't believe we're at the half way mark...still seems unreal that we're about to have another little one....I don't think it will ever sink excited! 

How far along? 20 weeks
Total weight gain: Approx 12 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleep has not been fun lately with this lower back pain.
Best moment this week: See our boys precious ultrasound! Oh it makes it so real and exciting! 
Miss Anything? Yes, comfortable sleep would be wonderful.
 All over the place! I can even finally get it on video.
Food cravings: Everything.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: Baby boy!
Labor Signs: No…but started having Braxton Hicks.
Symptoms: Feeling pretty good these days...nights are a different story. 
Belly Button in or out? It's finally outWedding rings on or off? OnHappy or Moody most of the time: Happy!Looking forward to: August is going to be a fun month filled with Birthdays! I’m looking forward to fall…my favorite time of year and countdown for baby!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

18 weeks

We are so excited about another little boy joining our family! I know I would have been ecstatic over having a girl or boy but truthfully deep down I really longed for another boy this go around. I can’t wait to see my two boys grow up so close in age side by side. I pray they are best friends from the get go. What an honor and privilege to be able to raise these boys and watch them grow up into strong yet gentle men of God. I can’t think of a better gift to be given.

Randy’s been working so hard trying to get some of our endless list of house projects finished. I’ve never known another man to be so dedicated and hard working for his family. He’s got to get these projects done before hunting season of course…it’s just around the corner!

The past couple of weeks we’ve been working with Trent and swimming. I believe the earlier the better when it comes to teaching them how to swim. He’s comfortable in the water so we are slowly teaching him how to go under and learn to swim to the side for safety. I cannot wait to have a pool at our new home. It was so nice having one while being pregnant with Trent. Every evening after work I would get in the water just to relax and relieve some of that pressure and back pain.

Now starts the process of picking out all things baby: name, nursery décor, lists of what we need/don’t need, organizing…ahhh it’s oh so busy but fun at the same time.

We have so much to look forward to…Trent turns two in August…I can barely fathom the thought of my baby being two years old. I guess we will muster up enough courage to cut his precious curly blonde hair for his birthday. Only just a trim though…I’m not getting rid of that head of beautiful hair!

How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain: Approx 8 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No BUT, Randy did point out a very new symptom of this crazy pregnancy. Varicose veins. He noticed one of my veins popping out of the back of my right leg the other night and was like “OMG you’re getting your Dad’s veins” haha. Just another pregnancy battle wound for this mama I guess.
Sleep: Sleep has been ok…it’s starting to get a tad bit uncomfortable finding a good position to sleep on my side. Speaking of sleep…Trent is doing great sleeping on his own in his room. He cried just a bit the first two nights, but after that nothing. I love going into his room in the morning and the first thing he does is clap his hands and say “yay” to congratulate himself for being such a big boy. It’s the little things…it truly is.
Best moment this week: We’ve had a wonderful couple of weeks after finding out another handsome boy is joining our crazy family. We had fun telling everyone and watching their expressions. I’m convinced those Greene boys just produce boys. I told Randy maybe we need to try for a 3rd to see if that’s true…he just gave me this crazy look. 
Miss Anything? No. Everything is moving right along…wouldn’t want it any other way.
 Baby boy is definitely moving around in there. I can’t wait for the movements to pick up and get stronger!
Food cravings: This past weekend I was craving salsa. I made my first home made regular salsa and fruit salsa for our gender reveal get together at Aunt Pat’s. Both were delicious.   
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: Another BOY!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: My breathlessness has calmed way down…it’s pretty normal now actually. I have no clue what that was that I went through the past few weeks. I guess I’ll just chalk it up to being one of those unexplainable weird pregnancy symptoms and nothing more.
Belly Button in or out? In half way 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: We are looking forward to fun 4th of July festivities and starting the process of putting your nursery together.

Friday, June 13, 2014

16 Weeks

Ok pregnancy, you can slow down now that you have calmed down! I really enjoy being pregnant as long as the insane symptoms aren’t making me nuts. I barely had any with Trent which made for a very happy pregnancy so this go around has definitely thrown me for a loop. Still though, it’s such a blessing to even be carrying a miracle from above I just wish life could slow down so I could enjoy it more. It’s a lot harder to relish all the little details when you have a toddler for sure. But, that’s ok because we wouldn’t want it any other way.

Trent knows where the baby is. He’ll point to my belly when asked. One of the most exciting things about this baby is going to be Trent’s reaction/interaction. Some exciting times are to come in the Greene household for sure!

I’ve still been feeling a little breathless but it’s calmed down a little bit. I think this is just a funky pregnancy symptom. I’m not as worried about it as before. I sound like an obese person who just ran a marathon when walking but that’s ok. My midwife pretty sure it will start to calm down, but if it doesn't we'll just need to have a few extra tests done.

Trent insisted on including his parrot.

How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain: Approx 7 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes, and just bought some more bra’s. Ladies...boobs get twice as big with
the second pregnancy...or at least in my case they have. I went ahead and purchased nursing
bras. This makes better sense then to waste money on regular ones just to have to purchase
more. I just made sure I got a couple a little larger than what I am now.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I’ve been sleeping very well. We are in the process of teaching Trent to go to sleep on
his own in his big boy room and so far so good. This is a BIG DEAL for the Greene house. We've been so obsessed with rocking and cuddling Trent I almost thought I'd never be able to give it up. But, we've got to get ready for the new bundle of joy and still get to cuddle just not all the way to sleep. A sleeping Trent in Trent's room makes for a very happy and sleeping Mama.
Best moment this week: Despite the news of our Granny passing, I did get to finally see my
brother! It’s been a year and half so it was much needed! Trent loved Uncle Davo and followed
him everywhere. I cannot wait till we live closer one day. We also got to spend time with Aunt Lou Lou and Uncle Adam and are thrilled that they have moved closer to Florida finally. Trent and our new baby are so blessed with awesome Aunts and Uncles!
Miss Anything? I’m hitting the stage in pregnancy where I feel pretty normal (not if you ask
Randy of course haha), but other than the breathlessness stuff I feel good. I don’t miss anything
really. Believe it or not, this week I’ve started to not be able to drink decaf coffee which is odd
because I’m a major coffee person.
Movement: I’ve continued to feel little movements here and there.
Food cravings: Chicken Noodle Soup (so odd considering I’ve never been a huge soup fan).
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: We shall see! I knew from the very beginning I was having a boy with Trent (just an
instinct I guess). This time I am clueless. We are so excited for either another boy or precious
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Still a little breathless and of course the lower back pain. I’ve got to get to a
chiropractor. I’ve heard they are great during pregnancy and I need this pain to go away before labor.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and moody (you can be both at once I promise)
Looking forward to: So much to look forward to! We are going to have a fun filled father's day weekend in Salt Springs!


We got to see our precious bundle of joy today at the birth center! The ultrasound tech was amazed at how much the baby was moving and such a strong heart beat. Still measuring for the week of Thanksgiving. Our actual due date is November 24th but you can never go by that. It's just a guess. 

We were able to share the precious moment of finding out if you are a boy or girl together as a family. We can not wait to share our exciting news with everyone, but want to wait until we tell our immediate family first. We can hardly contain ourselves. God is so good to us. What do you think...boy or girl? 


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

14 Weeks

14 weeks
The past couple of weeks have been a rollercoaster of emotions for this Mama. We had a wonderful family vacations in Islamorada Key. Trent is truly a beach baby and absolutely loves throwing rocks in the water, looking for “fishies”, picking up sand, and saying “night night Sun” every evening on the water. He did great in the swimming pool, too! I can’t wait to watch him grow up going to this annual family trip and hope he learns to appreciate it just as much as his Mee Mee does.

We came back home to very sad news that my sweet Granny had taken a turn for the worse. In short, she passed on May 28th, 2014, but lived a wonderful life of 89 years. I’m still trying to grasp the fact that she is no longer just hasn’t hit me yet. But I am so thankful to have been giving such precious time with her. She was looking forward to the new baby so much and kept telling me over and over again how I was going to have a little girl. We shall see, Granny, we shall see…we love you Granny.

I haven’t felt very good the past week or so…started getting very breathless whenever I stand up or walk even a short distance. We’re watching this carffully and might need to check into it further but, as of right now, I’m praying it’s just all of the added blood volume causing my heart to work much harder. We’re definitely going to keep an eye on it because I’m not used to having to sit down after walking a few steps.
Besides that, everything is going wonderfully and we as so blessed to be getting ready for this precious baby. Randy has already knocked out quite a bit of his “honey-do” list before the baby gets here.
Oh and I felt our sweet little bean move, or shall we say “flutter” for the first time at week 14. I read that you might feel the baby earlier with the second pregnancy and that is very true. I didn’t feel Trent until around week 18 I believe. I guess it’s because you know what to look for this go around.
As you can tell, pregnancy belly is showing a lot sooner this time…

How far along? 14 weeks
Total weight gain: Approx 5 lbs 
Maternity clothes? Oh yes, although I think i'm still in that "she looks like she's been eating too much" phase instead of the cute pregnancy belly phase.
Stretch marks? None yet
Sleep: Sleep has gotten a lot better. I don't feel as lethargic now. 
Best moment this week: Spending precious time with the family at the keys AND feeling you move (just a little flutter is all) at 14 weeks.
Miss Anything? I miss being able to walk without having to stop and take a breather every few steps...I'm praying this breathlessness goes away fast! 
Movement: I can feel little flutters here and there if I pay really close attention. I've felt you move much sooner than with Trent. 
Food cravings: Ramen noodles (so odd considering it's been years since i've had them), sushi, Mambo sours
Anything making you queasy or sick: Thankfully, this part is over with!
Gender: We can find out as soon as 16 weeks. Not sure when we will, though!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms:  Breathless, but other than that, feeling pretty good. My lower back hurts if I do a much of work and lift Trent a lot. My midwife says this might be my coccyx bone that could have been fractured or bruised during labor with Trent. 
Belly Button in or out? In 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: My moods have gotten better if I can just calm down with the "to-do" lists.
Looking forward to: Aunt Lou Lou and Adam coming home!

Friday, May 16, 2014

12 Weeks

At 12 weeks, I am just now beginning to grasp the fact that, yes, indeed there is a little baby on the way and, yes, I am officially pregnant. Now, obviously I don’t mean physically grasp. Heck, there’s been no denying this baby in all of his/her wonderful nausea and exhaustion glory. I’m talking about emotionally and spiritually grasping it. I knew we yearned to be blessed as parents yet again to a wonderful baby from above, but never thought it would be so soon considering how hard it was for us to conceive Trent.

Mom said I looked faint as soon as I stepped out of the bathroom with a positive pregnancy test.  Looking back, I wouldn’t trade how I found out for anything and the surprise of it all. I mean, honestly, I probably would have put having another off for years if it had been left up to me. There’s just always “something going on”. It’s nice when God abruptly reminds you that HE and He alone is the only one in control of your life and your future.

How BLESSED are we to be able to officially announce another precious baby Greene on the way. The miracle of it all is still so hard for me to comprehend. I’m such an advocate for pregnancy and birth it’s just hard for me to put into words how much of a gift I believe it is when a woman is chosen to be a mother…

Now that the early first trimester haze is beginning to rise, I couldn’t ask for a better time to bring a little playmate into Trent’s world. We are now home with all of our family support around us, Trent is going to be able to build that strong sibling bond like I have with my two siblings at such an early age and, at almost 30, I’m def not getting any younger. We are ready for the next chapter in the Greene household…a family of four… oh that just sounds wonderful…thank you Lord.

It’s harder to document every single detail of a pregnancy when you have a toddler running around, work full time, and have an obsession with home improvement projects, but I will try my best.

At 12 weeks, I have felt more pregnant this go around then I ever did with Trent: extreme exhaustion, hunger that will never go away, and nausea all day long. Luckily, I can tell it’s starting to ease up a bit and that is a good thing for my sanity, my waist line, and my marriage.

This pregnancy is going to be extra fun. My brother and his wife Liz are expecting a little on November 8th so it will be great to see our babies grow together.

Another fun and exciting thing about this pregnancy is that we are under the care of Fruitful Vine Birth Center. Most people consider me a birth fanatic so this makes perfect sense for us. The care you receive before, during, and after birth have a STRONG impact on both you and baby for a lifetime. It is important to have options and we feel as though Fruitful Vine will provide us with the very best of care. I highly recommend you checking them out if you are in the Jacksonville area and would like to take a more natural approach vs. the ugly hospital gown, long doctor waiting room visits, pap smears and IV’s. At least do yourself a favor and research your options. I promise it’s worth it.

I’m pretty sure my belly pictures will not be as polished and consistent as with Trent and that’s perfectly ok. We have been trying to include Trent in all of them and, so far, this has been quite the challenge. But, he does love to lift up his shirt and show us his belly just like Mama.

Oh and at 12 weeks, our precious baby is the size of a half eaten corn dog. From the looks of my bloated belly, however, looks more like 10 half eaten corn dogs.

We look forward to going through yet another wonderful baby journey with you and thank all of you for your support. November 25th will be here before we know it!

How far along? 12 weeks
Total weight gain: Approx 5 lbs 
Maternity clothes? Surprisingly, YES! I quickly got over trying to squeeze into regular pants or using the dreadful belly band (I don’t recommend this at all it’s uncomfortable and never stays in place). Just go ahead and enjoy wearing those wonderful elastic waistbands while you can! They’re great! Plus, I think I’m showing much sooner than with Trent.
Stretch marks? None 
Sleep: Sleep has consumed my little bit of free time for the last couple of months. It just started getting better this last week when I was able to stay up past 9 p.m. and catch up on my Blacklist (love me some James Spader).  
Best moment this week: Hearing your precious heart beating for the first time.
Miss Anything? Yes. Yes I miss caffeine, and not have a continuous appetite, and not being psychotic (yes, I was psychotic before but, dang, this baby sure has messed with those hormones like crazy). Poor Randy.
Movement: Not yet. Can’t wait for that. You really start feeling pregnant when you can feel them in there.  
Food cravings: Um, YES! My appetite has been through the roof. So far, I’ve craved the same types of things I did at first with Trent: sour candy, Big Red chewing gum,  Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, boiled peanuts, and Slurpees (only from 7 Eleven).
Anything making you queasy or sick: Yes, just not sure what that THING is. Unlike my pregnancy with Trent, I have felt little spurts of nausea all throughout the day this time around. It’s getting better, though.  
Gender: ???
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms:  Moody, tired, hungry J Gotta love it!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody in a happy psycho hormonal kind of way!
Looking forward to: Family vacation this week in the Keys!